Foot + Golf = FootGolf; also described as "Soccer Golf". Simply, its golf using a soccer ball and large 21" cups with similar rules. As with regular golf using "strokes", to win in footgolf, you want to get the soccer ball into the hole with fewer kicks or "strokes" than your opponent(s).
In head-to-head play (much more fun), 2 teams or individuals play to win as many "holes" or "goals" as possible. An example is if, Two Footed Freddy gets a lower score on 5 holes, and Aunt J gets a lower score on 7 holes, and they tie the rest, the final score is 7 - 5 with Aunt J celebrating on a tower of pancakes. --- DELICIOUS!
Usually an NFGA tournament format is broken up into an opening round of 9 - 18 holes in stroke play style to get the top (final) 4 playoff teams. In playoffs, the teams are put into head-to-head brackets. A semi-final of the #1 seed vs #4 seed and the #2 seed vs the #3 seed. The winners of each semi-final, play each other in a 3-hole head to head Final! In a 6 playoff team format, the #1 and #2 seed get a first round bye.
In the event of a tie to make or win playoffs, a 1 kick putt-off will ensue. All teammates kick from an agreed upon long putt position and the team who's ball is closest, wins the match. This process is repeated if necessary until a victor has been crowned.
Scramble Format: If you've ever played in a charity golf tournament, you know what "scramble" style is. As a 2-person team, each teammate kicks their own ball. The team can then choose to move their ball and make their next kick from the better placed ball. So if one person shanks it into the water and the other hits the middle of the fairway, both players can take their next kicks from the fairway without penalty as if the water ball never happened. This is repeated throughout every kick until one of the teams' ball goes into the cup. (see more info on Scramble format in the top FAQ section)
Pace of Play and Golfers: Golfers generally don't like footgolfers on the course. Remember that It IS mainly a golf course, but by paying your green fees, you have a right to enjoy it as well. Think skiers and snowboarders when snowboarding was new... With that said, it will help the growth of the sport if we are polite and play in between the golfers shots (as they should do for you as well). Footgolf is MEANT to be played during the lull between one golf foursome and another golf foursome. Usually everyone is pretty nice, respectful, and curious. As players we are the Ambassadors of the sport, and the Course will appreciate us for representing it well. During tournaments, time is reserved just for footgolf play with no golfers interfering.
Mulligan: To encourage more female players, co-ed teams are given 1 free mulligan for the opening round only and does not roll over to the playoffs. If you don't use it, you loose it. When claiming a mulligan, team must tell opposing team, and both players are allowed to re-kick the selected shot. One person cannot use a mulligan for shot 2, and the other use it for shot 3. Both teammates may only use it for a re-kick for the same shot.
Equipment: Footwear- Outdoor cleats are disallowed at golf courses so you may wear indoor, turf, tennis shoes or something similar that is closed toes. No boots such as Timberlands, steel toes, or similar. Event coordinator(s) or golf course representative may disallow footwear upon inspection. Ball- Any standard ball generally available online or in store at a reasonable price, or NFGA approved soccer ball meant for outdoor use. Unless otherwise noted, certain types of balls such as the jabulani, speedcell, teamgeist, terrapass, etc. These balls are mostly discontinued and very expensive taking away from the spirt of fair play and an all-inclusive event. Attire- Golf or soccer shorts, leggings, shirts, jerseys, polos are all acceptable. If you can wear it to the gym or to play golf, it is generally ok. Tank tops for guys, political, vulgar, criminal, or aggressive messages are not allowed. Golf course and event staff may disallow certain attire and request a change. Refunds are not issued for any equipment violation since it is easy to change into something appropriate.
Disputes and spirit of the game: If a situation arises where a team or onlooker has a significant disagreement in play or believes a team is attempting to circumvent or "out smart" the rules in an unfair and advantageous way, they should: pause play, leave balls where they lie, and get a hold of a league or tournament official. Other teams should play through. If and only if necessary, the paused players may temporarily remove their ball if requested by the teams playing through, then replace them in the same position once the players have played through. Spirit of the game is to play with integrity and respect of the course, surrounding vegetation, structures, staff, and other players. A player that cheats is robbing the other players of a fair, positive, and enjoyable competitive experience while also disrespecting the time, effort and money spent by event organizers, promoters, course staff, and the non-profit. Cheaters will be disqualified without refund and disallowed from future events. If something doesn't feel right, it's probably not right; so use good judgement, ask someone first, or don't do it.
Copyright © 2018 NFGA - National Foot Golf Association, Major League Footgolf, and the National Footgolf League. All Rights Reserved. All participants, players, advertisers, sponsors, and affiliated on-site representatives consent to photo and video likeness at and around NFGA events to be used for marketing purposes by the NFGA. By pariticapting in NFGA / MLFG events, participants agree to hold harmless and release liability at events, the NFGA, it's partners, affiliates, site locations, volunteers, etc.